Game Design Resources

Game Design Resources

During my 2016 residency and workshops at the Denver Public Library’s IdeaLAB I discovered and utilized a whole host of resources both on line as well as out in the real world along with some very helpful books.  The first workshop I hosted had really been intended as a game building session but I quickly realized that the people who’d come to the event already had fleshed out games of their own and were looking for other tools to test drive, refine and market games.

Mayhem at the Museum? You bet!

Mayhem at the Museum? You bet!

More and more frequently museums are including programming where art isn’t just presented but interacted with and guests are encouraged to make their own art, learn a new skill or just play around in an unfamiliar medium.  As a guest presenter, I adore sitting down one on one with someone and letting them see how ordinary things can be admired objects or talking to a room full of kids about how art no matter how far away or unfamiliar can speak to all of us.

Too Many Chefs

Too Many Chefs

The object of Too Many Chefs is to create a full day of delectable meals from ingredient cards including dessert and midnight snack.  You can expand your own recipes or play off your opponents designing signature dishes for more points. Be the 1st player to reach 100 to win or be voted to head chef by fellow foodies and you win.  Too Many Chefs challenges players to get creative with their ingredients and with luck game play translates back into the kitchen inspiring real life menu and recipe design.